46. The Loadout
46. The Loadout
46. The Loadout
After considering all my options, I have to go with finding Gale. She’s my best ticket home. Bruke and the Wolf Lord guard the pass between Charlatan Forest and the Eastern Desert. The Kraken’s territory abuts the cliffs to the west. And who knows how long it’ll take to work my way through the forest directly.
Flying is how I got here. Flying is how I’ll get home.
As for taking a shortcut…
*Avian Marks – One*
Harpy Sight
Harpy Wings
Harpy Tailfeathers
Harpy Talons
Harpy Lightweight
Harpy Air Magic
* Selected Harpy Sight!*
I select Sight and keep Lightweight. If my understanding is correct, an average Harpy possesses all six of these abilities. I’d place a wager that safe, efficient flight requires at least three, if not five, or all six of those marks.
Lightweight to reduce their weight.
Wings to create lift and propel them.
Tailfeathers for steering.
Sight to see where they’re going to land.
Talons to stick the landing.
Air Magic for additional control and propulsion, maybe?
Taking Lightweight, Wings, and a prayer before attempting to make it over Charlatan Forest on my own would be suicide. Using my Slime Mutability to transfer a mark or two over to Avian would be foolhardy as well. While I could use Slime Malleability to refund my Wings to arms in case of a fight, I’d still be spending a lot of resources that could be used more efficiently. That, and I could get stuck in the middle of the Forest all night waiting for my marks to refresh at dawn the next day to reselect my wings and fly out.
The bottom line is that I need more marks.
*Slime Marks – None*
Slime Constitution
Slime Core
Slime Constitution (Jellyfish, Fuzzy)
Slime Malleability
Slime Malleability (Jellyfish, Fuzzy)
Slime Mutability
Slime Amalgamation
Slime Mutability (Jellyfish, Fuzzy)
Slime Hair / Legs / Arms
Jellyfish Slime Tentacles
Fuzzy Slime Flesh Shaping
Fuzzy Slime Fur
There are a ton of tempting options on display now.
During the golden hour of sunrise, I can manipulate my spent marks a bit. I could potentially refund Malleability to purchase second-tier Jellyfish Slime Mutability. I wonder if that lets me transfer a total of two marks to another type or an additional two marks on top of the one from the first-tier ability?
Amalgamation could be good, but I’ve got no clue what it does. All the more reason to pick it and find out…
However, I have a feeling this will be a day for combat. While I’m not going to pick a fight, climbing Harpy Mountain is sure to get me plenty of unwanted attention. For that reason, I’m going on the defensive.
I decide to refund Mutability and Malleability.
*Selected Slime Core!*
*Selected Jellyfish Slime Constitution!*
I don’t feel any different, so I then refund the first-tier Slime Constitution the same way I did Goblin Stature a few minutes ago (golden hour for the win), giving me another mark to spend. I’ll keep it in my back pocket in case I need to alter my build later.
Slime Constitution saved my bacon when I took a hit from Peter the Bunny Patron yesterday, so upgrading it to second-tier is a no-brainer.
If Slime Core does what I think, it’s totally busted. At the same time, I hope I never have to test the theory (who am I kidding?).
*Canine Marks – One*
Wolf Nose
Wolf Nose (Dire, Cinder)
Wolf Lord’s Nose
Wolf Claws
Wolf Claws (Dire, Cinder)
Wolf Lord’s Claws
Wolf Tail
Wolf Tail (Dire, Cinder)
Wolf Lord’s Tail
Wolf Legs
Wolf Rush
Wolf Legs (Dire, Cinder)
Cinderwolf Rush
Wolf Lord’s Legs
Wolf Jaws
Wolf Jaws (Dire, Cinder)
Wolf Lord’s Jaws
Cinderwolf Ember Magic
Wolf Cock
Wolf Cock (Dire, Cinder)
Wolf Lord’s Cock
I’m obviously keeping Ember Magic and Wolf Rush. Wolf Nose, too, is hard to let go of. I might stumble across Megan’s trail and, though I promised Cottontail I’d search for her sister starting tomorrow, I couldn’t forgive myself if she got hurt because I didn’t have the ability equipped to recognize her scent. After rescuing her from a mind-controlled Dura, I imprinted her smell into my brain because she was especially cute, not realizing her connection to my lover at the time.
I already refunded Wolf Tail (the minor boost to balance a tail gives me isn’t worth an entire mark IMO) and pocketed the mark. Unfortunately, even if I refunded Wolf Rush, I need one more free mark to go Wolf Legs>>Cinderwolf Legs>>Cinderwolf Rush (according to the ability tree, Wolf Rush doesn’t qualify me for an upgrade on its own).
If I desperately need a boost today, I’ll reluctantly select Wolf Jaws. There might be a hidden ability behind it that I could use Slime Mutability to pick up.
Otherwise, I’ll save the mark for a special present to Gabby she’s been patiently waiting for… (Hint, it starts with ‘Wolf’ and ends with ‘Cock’)
*Goblinoid Marks – One*
Goblin Ears
Goblinoid Ears (Apprentice, Hob, Orc)
Goblin Gut
Goblinoid Gut (Apprentice, Hob, Orc)
Goblin Nails
Hobgoblin Nails
Goblin Stature
Hobgoblin Stature
Orc Stature
Orc Strength
Goblin Cock
Goblinoid Cock (Hob, Orc)
Goblin Apprentice Fast Learner
Goblin Apprentice Quick Study
Goblin Apprentice Summon Spectacles
Summon Club (Hobgoblin, Orc)
Refunding Quick Study is a strange experience. My ongoing perspective immediately shifts from an Eidetic memory to a normal memory from one moment to the next. However… Yes! Yes, I can picture every page of the Book of Monsters perfectly! I get to keep the last couple hours of crystal-clear recall despite refunding the ability used to record them!
That leaves me with another free mark. Come to think of it, Goblin Ears have been tempting me ever since I saw them, but I’ve never had the luxury of taking them… yet again, because Summon Club is suddenly a serious contender while I have Orc Strength. If I need to hit something hard, my Fishman Spear is a toothpick compared to this body’s power.
I’ll wait until the situation arises though, just to be safe.
*Forest Marks – None*
Mandragora Photosynthesis
Pitcher Treefolk Photosynthesis
Twisted Treefolk Twisted Apple
Twisted Treefolk Roots
Pitcher Treefolk Vines
Mandragora Plant Growth Magic
Pitcher Treefolk Plant Growth Magic
Twisted Treefolk Bark Skin
Twisted Treefolk Earth Magic
Twisted Treefolk Cock
Pitcher Treefolk Stomach Acid
No changes here; I’m fully satisfied with my selection.
Photosynthesis reduces my daily caloric requirements as long as I get some sun. Pitcher Treefolk Vines increase my maneuverability and give me a ranged grapple attack. Twisted Treefolk Earth Magic works synergistically with my other sources of Earth Magic to increase my magic power.
If I transferred a Slime mark over, I’d probably upgrade Photosynthesis, refund the first-tier version, and select Mandragora Plant Growth Magic. Bark Skin seems like a bad idea for sex, and I don’t expect a day to ever go by without screwing somebody.
It’s a moot point, because that’d be a poor use of a Slime Mark.
*Fuzzy Marks – None*
Rodent Nose (Bunny, Mouse, Mole-man)
Rodent Ears (Bunny, Mouse)
Mouse Predator Sense
Rodent Stature (Bunny, Mouse)
Bunny Patron Stature
Bunny Patron Longevity
Bunny Patron Strength
Rodent Tail (Bunny, Mouse)
Rodent Legs (Bunny, Mouse)
Bunny Hop
Good Digger
Lucky Rabbit Foot
Bunny Patron Legs
Rodent Cock (Bunny, Mouse, Mole-man)
Bunny Patron Cock
Bunny Stamina
Bunny Patron Stamina
Mole-man Earth Magic
Bunny Patron Earth Magic
Mole-man Claws
Mole-man Summon Shovel
Bunny Patron Summon Carrot
Look, I’m just a woman… a woman with a big, fat, cock!!!
Yes, I sacrificed my Mole-man Earth Magic for a Bunny Patron Cock (which I’m able to select thanks to Paternal Malleability neutralizing the requirements), and I regret nothing!
Okay, okay, it somewhat eases my conscience to note Bunny Patron Earth Magic provides roughly 2/3 of my total Earth Magic with all three sources equipped. And I didn’t pull that number out of my ass; it’s roughly guesstimated through intuition. Thusly, I’m currently at 5/6 of my potential max Earth Magic power. That’s not too shabby. (2/3 = 4/6; 4/6 + 1/6 = 5/6, I didn’t skip maths class!)
But, damn, this thing is enormous. It’s like swinging around a club attached to my groin. Of course, I’m not intending to violate poor Gale’s virgin pussy with this beast (we’ll save that treat for later), but any monster that gets in my way today should think twice about their life choices.
Wait, hold on. I just unlocked a new mark ability: Induce Ovulation. Wow, that’s fucked up. I bet it’s a generic Patron ability, too. When a Patron-type monster fucks you, I bet it doesn’t matter if it’s that time of the month, he’ll get you pregnant anyway. Fucking Peter. Fucking monster rapists.
Last, but not least:
*Mer Marks – None*
Mermaid Sight
Fishman Sight
Mermaid Gills
Fishman Gills
Mermaid Fins
Mermaid Depth Resistance
Fishman Depth Resistance
Mermaid Water Magic
Mermaid Ovipositor
Cancer Claws
Cancer Legs
Cancer Slippery Foam Magic
Cancer Summon Armor
Fishman Cock
Fishman Head
Fishman Summon Spear
Another satisfactory setup. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. The only thing I’m tempted by is Slippery Foam Magic, but honestly, I can use cum as lubrication while I have Bunny Stamina. No big deal. It’s more a luxury mark than a necessity.
Bonus round:
*Breeder Marks – Two (Male), One (Female)!*
Paternal Malleability I (II - 3)
Paternal Customization (3)
Paternal Inheritance I
Paternal Seminal Control
Spawn Attributes
Paternal Seminal Potency
Partner Tracker
Maternal Ovarian Control
Maternity Ward
Create Womb Seed
Maternal Fetus Protection
Maternal Inheritance I
Maternal Fast-Gestation I
Maternal Mammary Control and Potency
After reviewing my options, my first temptation is saving up for a second level of Paternal Malleability. That’d let me switch cocks more often. Or maybe Customization instead—I could design an Uber Ovipositor/Cock with Bunny Patron thickness, a Canine knot, and that never goes soft like a Treefolk dick. *Wipes drool*
Paternal Inheritance is important. It won’t help me fuck better, but it’s about time for me to start thinking about the future. Same for Spawn Attributes, which must refer to my offspring.
I assume Potent Sperm is just a 100% impregnation success rate. I don’t super need that with my Ovipositor equipped. Seminal Lure has monster hunting applications, and Seminal Qualities is intriguing. It makes me wonder how much I can actually alter my semen. That could potentially make a big difference, or not be worth a mark after all. Hard to say.
Partner Tracker is a big one, though. I’ve had my eye on it, and I’ve noticed it can be purchased with either Male or Female Breeder marks. I originally thought it was worthless while I have Wolf Nose. However, some additional consideration has me rethinking that stance.
I could use Partner Tracker to monitor Ariella and Kani’s locations. Wolf Nose doesn’t work underwater. It might let me know what Dura is up to or have helped me find Cottontail’s sister depending on how it works exactly. The more girls I impregnate in different locations, the more important having some way to check on them becomes.
Yeah, I’m talking myself into it. Male Breeder marks seem easier to come by than Female, so here goes nothing…
*Selected Partner Tracker!*
It doesn’t seem to work automatically; at least no instant brain-map appears in my vision, so I move on with the intention to figure it out later.
Maternity Ward has always been a question mark to me. I guess, since it’s on the Ovarian Control branch, it gives me additional options during conceiving or maybe birth. Fast Gestation has obvious benefits. Inheritance I is another clear winner, even if I don’t know how it works. Then there’s Allure enticing me with its… allure.
Fetus Protection sounds critically important for protecting the life inside me, and the more I consider that fact, the more irresponsible my behavior seems in retrospect. I fought Peter, a tier-three monster, without this ability while I had one of Gabby’s embryo offspring inside me. I’m super lucky I didn’t have a miscarriage.
My enemies are only going to get stronger, and I’m only going to get more damaged during fights. If I don’t take this, I know I’ll regret it.
*Selected Maternal Fetus Protection!*
I check if I’ve unlocked anything and find a few surprises: Partner Map, Partner Brand, and Distress Call appear under Partner Tracker, and Maternal Brand plus Fast-Maturing Spawn appear under Fetus Protection. That last one gives me pause until I consider the most efficient way to protect a child would be to literally shorten their childhood. Actually, I’m kind of against that. Giving my children a lengthy childhood is an aspirational luxury.
Partner Tracker especially seems to be a branch focusing on practical applications. I may have to invest heavily there in the future. I see two ‘Brand’ type options with no indication of their function. However, the Map and Distress Call both sound useful.
Alright, drumroll, please. In summary:
*Selected Marks - 21*
Wolf Nose
Wolf Rush
Cinderwolf Ember Magic
Harpy Sight
Harpy Lightweight
Orc Stature
Orc Strength
Goblin Apprentice Fast Learner
Mermaid Water Magic
Cancer Summon Armor
Fishman Summon Spear
Mouse Predator Sense
Lucky Rabbit Foot
Bunny Stamina
Bunny Patron Earth Magic
Bunny Patron Cock
Slime Core
Jellyfish Slime Constitution
Mandragora Photosynthesis
Pitcher Treefolk Vines
Twisted Treefolk Earth Magic
*Breeder Marks - 9*
Paternal Malleability I
Paternal Seminal Control – Volume
Paternal Seminal Potency – Sustenance
Partner Tracker
Maternal Ovarian Control
Maternal Create Womb Seed
Maternal Fetus Protection
Maternal Mammary Control and Potency – Pacification, Sustenance
*Available Marks - 4*
Canine – One!
Avian – None!
Mer – None!
Goblinoid – One!
Slime – One!
Fuzzy – None!
Forest – None!
Breeder (male) – One!
Breeder (female) – None!