Updates on Holiday Chapters
Updates on Holiday Chapters
Updates on Holiday Chapters
Hello all!
I know that we just had a break, but unfortunately it seems I will need to take another. Between having to prepare for the coming holidays, a smidgen of writer's block, and the release of a book I have been waiting for desperately for well over a year now, I have gotten absolutely nothing done on the Shadowborn front. No chapter today, and expect some delays during the holiday season because my work schedule will be erratic.
Apologies, and I'll see you for the next one!
12/13 update: Still haven't had the chance to finish the current chapter, but I plan to have it done by release time on Tuesday! Thank you for your patience!
12/17 update: Like many plans seem to, mine has gone awry. With being out of town most of the weekend and working the rest, the next chapter isn't quite ready to drop just yet. We are entering into the final real arc I had planned for Shadowborn, and rather than rushing to complete the chapters to get them out and potentially risk leaving you all hanging in the middle of the action, I think I'm going to take a brief hiatus so that I can make sure the next arc doesn't have any interruptions.
Before anyone panics, while the "ending" I have in mind for Shadowborn is one I feel would be a decently natural ending, I do have a number of plans to continue the world through either a sequel series or through spinoffs. Either way, there will probably be a sizeable break after Shadowborn is done where the most I will do is update some of the earlier chapters I'm not overly happy with while I work on other projects.
In any case, I plan to get back into dropping two chapters a week as soon as I'm able, holiday scheduling permitting! If you have questions or queries about anything at all, feel free to ask them in the comments. Thanks as always for your patience, and I'll see you for the next chapter in Zaren's journey!